A House

To me, good people are full of love and do good things and expect nothing in return. Good deeds bring happiness to the world and give our lives meaning. Now I would like to share a real story with you.

One day in 2008, a woman called Tracy Pottsboro was jobless in USA Texas. She had no money to pay home mortgage and she had to sell her house. That meant she would be homeless. In the auction in which her house was sold, she cried sadly and her tears fell like rain. When she felt helpless, an enthusiastic woman sat beside her called Mary Mok asked, ‘what is happening?’ And Tracy Pottsboro answered honestly.

After that, Mok’s sympathy made her help Tracy. Mok decided to use thirty thousand US dollars to buy the house. And then Mok said to Tracy, ‘welcome your family to continue to live in the house and you only need to pay the rent.’ Tracy was very surprised. She replied, ‘nobody has cared about me more than you do and I hope I can repay you for what you’ve done.’

Many people asked Mok why she would help her and Mok said that the reason was people need to help one another. Her family members said, ‘she has a hobby. The hobby is that she likes to help people. For example, when she sees poor people or beggars near a grocery, she will give them some money to buy some food they like.

This story ends here but it will stay in my heart. She teaches me, ‘people need to help each other.’ I was touched by this sentence and story. So from now on, I have decided that I will help the needy that I can help.