Macy’s Eating Habit

晶文薈萃 十優文章

Macy has a bad eating habit. Here is a report to help her stay healthy.

First, Macy mustn’t skip her breakfast. It is because eating breakfast every day is very important. Nutrition experts state that breakfast is the most important meal for one day. Various studies have also found that the proportion of people who eat breakfast have higher metabolism. Therefore, Macy needs to eat breakfast.

Next, she can’t eat too much fruit for lunch. According to the study by Dr. Ben Kim, eating too much fruit can be harmful to our body. Macy needs to have a balanced diet every day.

After that, Macy doesn’t eat meat. A professor said that people who do not eat meat are easy to cause major harm due to the lack of iron, vitamin B, zinc, calcium and high quality protein. Macy should eat more meat.

At last, Macy drinks too much juice and milk. Studies have shown that drinking too much beverages will promote kidney stones, reduce nutrient intake, affect IQ and so on. So, Macy must drink less beverages.

A balanced diet is very important. If Macy can change her eating habit, she’ll be healthier.