Helping People in the Philippines Affected by the Typhoon

晶文薈萃 十優文章

11th March, 2014

Dear Miss Ng,

Helping People in the Philippines Affected by the Typhoon

I am writing because we would like to help people in the Philippines to raise money for them. We think that our idea will help solve some problems for the people there.

After the typhoon in the Philippines, people are hungry and thirsty. Some people want to move to a safe place but they do not have enough money. They have to stay in the temporary areas. They feel helpless. They need our help.

We want to hold a charity fun fair. Everyone needs to buy a ticket and the money will be donated to the victims. Also, we want to donate some food and water for them. I want to write a letter to the charity organization to ask for their help.

We hope that you will be able to help us organize the charity event.

Yours sincerely,
Joyce Lam 6A
(Tseung Kwan O Government Primary School)