The Paper Bag Princess

Once upon a time, there was a princess named Elizabeth who was going to marry Prince Ronald. One day, a dragon appeared and burnt her expensive clothes fiercely. Then it carried Prince Ronald off to its cave.

Elizabeth defeated the dragon cleverly. She saw her prince so helpless. She neither does anything nor help him. However, she found a yellow key! "I could help you now!" said Elizabeth.

After a few minutes, Elizabeth said, "Now, we can run away!"

Prince Ronald asked, "What did you wear?"

"A paper bag. We needed to run quickly! The dragon would wake up!" Elizabeth said anxiously.

"No... I did not want to go away with you because now you look like a beggar!" Ronald yelled.

"Ahhhh?" Elizabeth still argued with Ronald.

Suddenly, the dragon started to burn something. Elizabeth and Ronald were so scared. At that moment, all the Ronald's property became ashes.

The dragon said, "Prince Ronald, you are an impolite man, you didn't thank Elizabeth when she helped you, I needed to punish you!"

Ronald thought he was wrong now. He wanted to learn to become a polite person.

After five years, Elizabeth became a writer. She was a pretty girl with short hair, and Ronald became a noble and polite businessman. Elizabeth wrote down the story named "The new Paper Bag Princess."