The True Story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears

We all know the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears but nobody knows the real story. The real story is about a secret agent and a spy.

Way back to 50 years ago, Goldilocks was a spy. In an undercover work, a secret agent was tracking Goldilocks to a house in the forest. When Goldilocks found that she was tracked by the secret agent, they had a fight. They knocked down the porridge in the kitchen and broken the chair in the living room. Then Goldilocks ran upstairs. The secret agent followed her. He punched Goldilocks and she passed out on the bed.

The secret agent called the three bears who were the police officers. They came and caught Goldilocks. As some passersby saw the fight, they made up the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.