Jimmy's Unlucky Day

Although Jimmy was so sleepy and tired, he played computer games. After playing it, he slept at 12:00 a.m.

Jimmy woke up at nine o’clock the next day. He was so scared because he was late to school. So, he changed his school uniform quickly.

When he arrived at the bus stop, the bus had gone away. “Hey! Wait for me!” Jimmy shouted. Unluckily, the bus-driver could not hear, so he could not take the bus to school.

After that, Jimmy went to school. He was afraid that the classmates would laugh at him. Jimmy said sorry to Miss Chow. Luckily, Miss Chow did not punish him because she was kind. Miss Chow said, “Jimmy , you should sleep before ten o’clock, okay?” “Sure! Thank you Miss Chow!” Jimmy replied.