The Bare Facts About Dolphins

The bare facts about dolphins

Dolphins are a kind of halobionts which are very lovely and cute. Many people like them very much. There are many kinds of dolphins in the world, such as the Hector’s dolphins, Commerson’s dolphins and Black dolphins. Do you want to know some facts about dolphins? Let’s take some quizzes below.

1. Dolphins like to eat fish. True or false?

2. Dolphins are talented at swimming. True or false?

3. Dolphins do not have their own language? True or false?

4. Dolphins regard their associates very much. True or false?

1. Dolphins like to eat fish. True or false? True. Dolphin’s main food are fish and squids because dolphins are very fond of fish. The wild dolphins use their teeth which are in their proboscis to catch their food. However, they don’t chaw their food and they usually swallow it whole.

2. Dolphins are talented at swimming. True or f false? True. Everyone knows that dolphins are the top natators in the ocean. It is because they can swim very fast, roll in the water and leap out of water. If you don’t believe that, you can go to Ocean Park to find out the answer.

3. Dolphins do not have their own language? True or false? False. Dolphins have their own language. They will squeal, bark, chick, and whistle to communicate with one another. When they are sqealing, the key of their sounds is very high and we call that is ‘Dolphins vocal’ or ‘Whistle register’

4. Dolphins regard their associates very much. True or false? True. After a dolphin died, its associates will cluster round its cadaver about 10 days until the cadaver rotten. It is because dolphins do not wish that some sea animals can eat their associates’ bodies.

Dolphins are very few now because people catch many of them. If you want to see the dolphins in the future, you should keep our ocean clean and stop catching them.