The Bare Facts About Ducks

Some people think that ducks are just normal animals. They do not know much information about ducks.

Do you know they have some special habits? Do you want to know some bare facts about ducks? Then take some quizes below.

1. Most of the ducks can live at least ten years. True or false?

2. Ducks live in the sea. True or false?

3. Ducks like to eat small fish and shrimps. True or false?

4. Ducks have some special habits. True or false?

1. Most of the ducks can live at least ten years. True or false?

False. Ducks can only live one to three years in average. However, now, many ducks are killed by the humans. Ducks can only live one to two years.

2. Ducks live in the sea. True or false?

False. Ducks live in the lakes and ponds. Ducks have webbed toes. With these webbed toes, they can swim fast in the lake.

3. Ducks like to eat small fish and shrimps. True or false?

True. Their mouths are wide and flat. It is good for eating small things, such as small fish, small shrimps and shells.

4. Ducks have some special habits. True or false?

True. Adult ducks always use their mouths to lick their feathers.

Have you known more about ducks now? Before you read this writing, you may think ducks are just normal animals. However, there are still some interesting facts.