An Unforgettable Trip

Date: Sunday, 31th October, 2106

Weather: rainy, foggy, 2106℃

Today, David, Marco and I went to Paradise. We arrived at the entrance at half past six. After buying our tickets, we entered the park quickly because we wanted to know Paradise have what.

First, we ran to Paradise. Suddenly, We saw anangel. It was very beautiful and cute.It brought us to another places. “Oh! I did not saw a fly like a giant!” said Marco.

Then, we went to a food shop to eat some food. The cook was a fat spider. It was cooking a ghost. We all screamed and screamed loudly. It was a horrible food but we enjoyed it very much. After eating, we saw a show. It was "The ghost dance", the ghosts did lots of naughty things. The ghosts were really ugly but we liked them.

At the end of the day, we saw lots of angels. It brought we to saw God. God gave us some white water and white rice. We went home happily

It was an unforgettable day! I hope I can visit Paradise again during the Chinese New Year holidays.