The Best Gift in the World

Father’s Day is coming! What gift did Christopher give his dad? Christopher lost his mum and dad. Uncle Bobby supported the life of Christopher. So, he called Uncle Bobby,“Dad”.

Christopher asked himself, “What gift could I give my father? I do not have much money.” Christopher was sad. He could not buy anything to Uncle Bobby.

Next day, Christopher had a letter. He read it,

Dear Christopher,

I know you want to give a gift to me. There is some money. You can use them. I will visit you on Father’s Day. See you!

Uncle Bobby

Christopher’s tears dropped from his eyes. “I cannot disappoint Uncle Bobby!’’ he thought. Christopher took the money and bought two balls of yarn. He knitted a scarf.

Today, it was Father’s Day, Christopher finished his scarf. Uncle bobby visited him! He said, “Uncle Bobby! I used your money to make a scarf for you!” “I like it! Thank you Christopher, my little son. I would never forget the gift!” And they hugged together.