How to make our society more inclusive for people with disabilities?

  • 作者: Jamie Wong Chun Wing
  • 寫作年級: F4
  • 寫作日期: 2011
  • 學校: St Mark's School

People nowadays tend to judge others by what they can see and their own understanding. When dealing with people with disabilities, we always doubt their talents and abilities, and even look down on them and treat them partially. Yet, if we try to understand them and think from their perspectives, we can see the integrity they exude despite their special needs.

There are several ways to make our society more inclusive for people with disabilities. First and foremost, the government can improve facilities for the disabled. For instance, more special seats can be created on buses and the MTR, to cater for people who are physically disabled. The government should also take care of the blind by creating special roads for blind pedestrians.

Second, charitable organizations or governmental organizations can cooperate with schools to hold talks concerning issues on disabilities. Students can have a deeper understanding about the needs of people with disabilities. As students can put themselves in others’ shoes, the concept of ‘replacing discrimination by appreciation’ is then instilled in the younger generation. People with disabilities can even be invited to the talks to share their experiences. This can effectively accelerate exchange between ordinary people and the disabled.

Furthermore, people who are disabled are just like anyone else. They are useful members of the society and they can contribute as long as they are given a chance. Therefore, employers should not refrain from hiring disabled workers. Their employment decisions should never be based on ignorance and prejudice.

Indeed, the best way of all is to propagate the message that we should not judge someone superficially. The disabled often feel alienated by the others. Indeed, we should treat everyone without bias. It is extremely insulting to label them or jeer at them. Education is the most efficient way to achieve this. As long as everyone in society can treat people with disabilities with more appreciation, acceptance and gratitude, our society will then be inclusive for them.