A Present to My Mother

Christmas was coming soon. I would like to give a present to my dearest mother. I thought hard of what to give. I wanted to give her a very special and memorable present. I thought all day and decided to make cookies by myself. It was because my mother loved eating cookies very much.

The next day, I went to the supermarket to buy the ingredients such us flour, butter, sugar, eggs and so on. After that, I started making the cookies when my mother left home. First, I put sugar and butter into a bowl. I mixed and stirred it until the mixture became light yellow in color. Then, I gradually put in the eggs and stirred the mixture well. Lastly, I put it in the oven and caked it for about 15 minutes.

On Christmas day, I gave the cookies to my mother. My mother was very surprised and gratified. She said it was the best present she had ever received. She was so happy that she hugged me for a while. Finally, we ate the cookies together happily. It was a really unforgettable Christmas!