The best present for Sze Sze’s Birthday party

It is almost Sze Sze’s birthday. So Parco the donkey wants to hold a birthday party and a wedding party for him. But Parco knows that Sze Sze has one girl friend.

So he makes a dress that has magic. When Cindy puts it on, the magic can turn Cindy into Sze Sze’s wife and be angry with Jason. “What a terrific plan I have made,” Parco thinks. It’s true! He really has made an excellent plan. But it is an immoral thing.

The next day, the magic truly happened. Cindy slapped Jason’s face too! At this time, Parco felt very complacent and he said quietly to Sze Sze, “Happy birthday!” Sze Sze shook his head and said, “Thank you for your birthday present!”