Kiiroitori’s Adventure

Long long time ago, Kiiroitori, Rilakkuma and Korilakkuma were talking about the Big Race for weekends. “You must follow the directions to get to Jewel Paradise. If you are the first one there, you will win a magic jewel pen and 100 jewel candy,” Korilakkuma said.

Kiiroitori was so excited. He had never gone to space. His owner gave him some tips:

1. Go to Ming Tao Covention Hill by Jewel MTR.

2. When you reach Jewel Hi, get off the bus.

3. Walk straight ahead 520 steps.

4. Jewel Park is in front of you.

On that day, Kuroitori, Rilakkuma and Korilakkuma landed in Jewel Park.

They swam to Jewel Paradise as fast as the fish. Kiiroitori followed the instructions carefully. But when Kiiroctori was ready to go to the destination, he fell down.

Rilakkuma bore him to finish the race together. Korilakkuma saw this scene. She felt so moved. Therefore, she helped Kiiroitori tie a bandage on his would. At last, they all won and got the prizes and they were best friends.