隨寫 (3)

  • 作者筆名:Kayley Chan
  • 發表日期:2009-03-28
  • 寫作年級:P1
  • 字數:172
  • 文章類別:故事

Thank You Policeman!

Last Sunday, Sarah went to the playground to take a walk, but unfortunately her wallet was dropped in the park, and she didn't know about it. She felt bored, so she went to a toy shop and wanted to buy a doll.

When she wanted to take out her wallet, she could not find it. Sarah saw a lay, then she asked her "Have you seen my red, blue and orange wallet?" she said, "No, I haven't." Sarah was very sad. Then Sarah ran back to the park trying to find her wallet.

She saw her wallet on the ground, but a man picked it up and kept it. Then Sarah saw a policeman, she told him " I dropped my wallet, but a man just picked it up and kept it." The policeman ran to catch him. There was a tree next to the slide. Suddenly, the man crashed to that tree. Finally, the policeman caught him.

Sarah felt cheerful and thank you for the policeman!