隨寫 (2)

  • 作者筆名:Kayley Chan
  • 發表日期:2009-03-28
  • 寫作年級:P1
  • 字數:115
  • 文章類別:日誌

Kayley's happydiary

Last Sunday, I went to a bus stop to wait for my friends, Tina, yammi, Kimble and James. Suddenly it started raining. I thought the rain would stop later, but it didn't. I ran back home as fast as i could. I took my umbrella, and then I ran back to the bus stop.

Tina, Yammi, james and Kimble arrived at the bus stop. We got on the bus. When we arrived at Kowloon Tong, the sun came out and it stopped raining.

First we went to have lunch. Then, we went to the playground to play games. At night, we went back home.

I was tired, but I was happy.